Turn your Blogging Passion into a Real Income Stream

Real Income
Image by Alltechbuzz from Pixabay 

It’s easier to make money freelance blogging than running your own blog
Millions of blogs are started every year, and most of those bloggers want to make money from their blogs. But reality kicks in fast – building a successful blog is hard work!

Alert!Fact: Most bloggers struggle to make even a few dollars each month, even when they pour hours of work into blogging for months on end.

When you have your own blog you need to…

Install and configure WordPress or Blogspot
Choose the right theme so your blog looks better than the competition
Deal with upgrades, broken plugins, and web hosting disasters
Fight off hackers and comment spammers
Spend hours promoting your blog on social networks
…and on top of all that you still need to find time to write regular blog posts!

Meanwhile other bloggers with the same talents and experience as you are making money right now by writing for other people’s blogs.

Alert!Forget all the technical headaches and expense of setting up a blog, not to mention the months and years of effort before your blog makes you any kind of decent income. When you’re a freelance blogger you make money for every blog post you write.

Imagine what a Blogging Income would mean for you
Freelance blogging is how I funded my online business without ever having to dip into my savings. That means that all of those costs such as web hosting, premium themes, logo designs, and expensive information products were fully paid for just by writing a few blog posts each week.

But how much you earn is entirely up to you. Write two posts each week like I did, and you’ll earn a nice side income. Write ten or twenty post each week and you could earn a whole lot more.

When you get paid to blog you can:

Earn extra money each month to help with the rising cost of living
Save up for a family holiday
Make a stable base income that supports your own online business ventures
Build a full time freelance blogging business that offers the freedom and flexibility to enjoy your life
Freelance blogging is a simple, flexible revenue stream that you can use to earn a little extra money on the side, or scale up to a full time living income. It all comes down to how much time you want to put in, and what you want to get out of it.

What You’ll Learn inside the Ebook
In How to Become a Successful Freelance Blogger you will learn exactly how to:

Set up a blogging portfolio to showcase the skills you already have
Find the best paid blogging opportunities, including the ones that aren’t advertised anywhere
Figure out how much to charge for writing blog posts
Deliver high quality blog posts using efficient, streamlined blogging processes
Build your freelance blogging business to the income level that you desire

There are millions of blogs on the internet, and a huge number of them pay bloggers to write the content they need every day. What you already know in your head right now can be making you money every month, just by writing blog posts about the topics you already know about.
I recommend if you read my previous article which is based on Money Making Website Idea, this might help you boost up some brainstorm.


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