Weight Loss is often the first and sometimes only reason we start to exercise.

Home gyms with a good diet and a solid workout plan can go along way to helping you hit your weight loss goals. So you’ve looked in mirror, didn’t like what was staring back!!! And now your ready to begin a program? Does it seem like a minefield? we think so too! And that’s why this article is all about giving you all the information you need to step up and start to lose that weight for GOOD.

To begin with we must remember the Four D’s to effective weight loss:

Desire Just how badly do you want to lose those pounds? Does it mean enough to you to sacrifice some of the things you currently enjoy? Are you willing to give up some time to workout? Is your current weight painful enough to make the change once and for all? Do you need to change your current eating habits because of medical reasons? Might you in the future? Build a compelling reason to lose that weight.
Diet One of the twin pillars of weight loss, if you don’t act NOW with your dietary habits you will never succeed, you can’t!! it’s impossible!! If we don’t act to change forever the way we eat we will always suffer the “yo-yo” effect!! We all know what this is…..because we’ve all been there.
Decide to exercise regularly The second twin pillar of weight loss, when you have these two cracked you will never look back you will look great, have more vitality and live longer to enjoy it! The benefits are endless. A good strength and aerobic workout plan will ensure that you not only lose those inches but you will also tone up what is left!!.
Dedication Hey if it’s this easy, why doesn’t everyone do it? The forth D and sometimes the most critical D of all. You’ve got to see this through, you’ve got to remember that desire when that chocolate is calling your name. You must be strong enough and have the dedication to not quit and say NO I’m better than this!!.
So lets start with the basics, The human body is a machine, and to fuel that machine we eat, you’ve guessed it food the food we eat contains calories or kilocalories to be specific, in simple terms they are a unit of energy, so a calorie content in food is a measure of how much potential energy is in the food, the problems arise when we each too much or the wrong kinds of food and the body stores some of what isn’t used as fat cells which means we put on weight so the trick is that we eat less and burn more calories than our recommended intake therefore losing weight!! Simple!!! If only :) 
Lets look at some common areas of weight loss.
Diet concepts have been around since the dawn of time! In very, very simple terms diets are just a way to cut the number of calories you eat therefore leaving a calorie deficit which means you lose weight!! simple?? Not quite…….Be aware that rapid weight loss resulting from simply cutting calories will not work in the long term. The body’s metabolism will slow down to compensate therefore when you start to eat normally again you will gain the weight back and…………maybe more!!.

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